The Young and Muslim Podcast Ep.93: Ramy feat. Ramy Youssef


Asalaamu Alakum everybody!! We have a very special guest that many of you are more than likely familiar with! We got up with Ramy Youssef, creator and star of the Hulu hit comedy series RAMY.
Ramy is right now the front runner for great Muslim creators in the main stream, and he has surely not disappointed. We sat down with our brother and discussed his motivations and inspiration behind his show, as well as some inner thoughts that made the show what it is that we all truly love. We also went in depth on both seasons 1 and 2 to uncover many of the questions that we have all been dying to ask! We are very happy to FINALLY get up with Ramy, and we are very excited to see what he comes up with next!


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